Disclaimer: We are not tax experts and cannot be held liable for taxes filed incorrectly. Speaker: Riya Adhikari, Principal Consultant and Saurav Bhandari, CPA. Their company, TaxZen.com, connects people with the tax expert who can help them with their needs. You can watch our seminar with Riya here. Here are some of the topics from our […]
Author: Lori Llaci
International Student Tax Seminar – 2021
Disclaimer: We are not tax professionals and cannot be held responsible for taxes filed incorrectly. Speaker: Riya Adhikari, Principal Consultant and Saurav Bhandari, CPA. Their company, TaxZen.com, connects people with the tax expert who can help them with their needs. You can watch our interview with Riya here. Below are some of the topics Riya covered: […]
Home Buying Seminar Recap

We spoke with Real Estate Agent Kirk McCullen (314-951-1968; kirkmstl @ gmail.com) and Lender Drew Stiegimeier (618-779-7507; drews @ frontierstl.com) about what you need to buy a home while a graduate student. Most of the audio was recorded, and Kirk gave us a couple documents. Our notes of the event are below. Ultimate Home Buyer […]