SAC serves as the voice for DBBS students during discussions with Division administration while providing informational and social opportunities for students. We’re here to help you voice your concerns to administration and tell you all we’ve learned in our time here to make your life easier.
News & Blog Posts
2022 Stipend Survey Results
Survey Objectives On Monday, November 14th, 2022, SAC released a survey to assess how on-going inflation has continued to impact DBBS students. The survey addressed past and current costs of living, ability to save, financial stress and/or stability, and whether the recent (July 2022) stipend increase has continued to be effective. Responses from 275 students […]
SAFE Reporting for Mistreatment & Unprofessional Behavior
This year, an initiative named Supporting a Fair Environment (SAFE) was founded to address mistreatment and unprofessional behavior primarily at the School of Medicine. However, DBBS students on the Danforth campus or other off-campus sites are also encouraged to use this resource. It can be found after you log into the Student Resource Center, or […]
2021 Stipend Survey Results
Survey objectives On November 23, 2021, SAC released a survey to assess the effect of inflation on DBBS students. The survey addressed past and current costs of living (e.g. housing, utility, transportation), savings, perceived financial stress and stability. Responses from 230 students (40% response rate) between November 23, 2021 and November 29, 2021 were analyzed. […]
Domestic Tax Seminar – 2021
Disclaimer: We are not tax experts and cannot be held liable for taxes filed incorrectly. Speaker: Riya Adhikari, Principal Consultant and Saurav Bhandari, CPA. Their company, TaxZen.com, connects people with the tax expert who can help them with their needs. You can watch our seminar with Riya here. Here are some of the topics from our […]
International Student Tax Seminar – 2021
Disclaimer: We are not tax professionals and cannot be held responsible for taxes filed incorrectly. Speaker: Riya Adhikari, Principal Consultant and Saurav Bhandari, CPA. Their company, TaxZen.com, connects people with the tax expert who can help them with their needs. You can watch our interview with Riya here. Below are some of the topics Riya covered: […]

We’ve all been there – you’ve worked for weeks on that script, cloning, or RNAseq, and it ends horribly.
Let’s normalize these Science Fails by sharing with each other!