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Ariya Chaloemtoem

Junior Peer Mentor Coordinator

Ariya is a third-year student in the Human and Statistical Genetics program. Her research in Dr. Laura Bierut's lab delves into the complex interplay between substance use behaviors and genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease, illuminating their impact on brain health. When away from the lab, she unwinds with movie nights alongside friends, dedicates time to volunteer work, and occasionally engages in the playful (and perhaps slightly one-sided) art of annoying her cat, Cenizo.

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Jennysue Kasiah

Senior Peer Mentor Coordinator

Jennysue is a fifth-year grad student in the Developmental, Regenerative, and Stem Cell Biology Ph.D. program. She earned her Bachelors of Science from Georgia State University in Biology with a concentration in molecular genetics. Her research is focused on understanding the role that Fat and Dachsous cadherins play during mammalian eye development. Jennysue is passionate about mentorship, science communication, and rural community education access. She is the Senior Co-Coordinator for the DBBS Peer-Mentoring program and the Director of Science Communication for ProSPER.

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Doris Wu

Junior Peer Mentor Coordinator

Doris is a second-year grad student in the Molecular Genetics and Genomics PhD program. She studies the role of histone modifications and genome instability in human neuronal aging in the lab of Andrew Yoo. In her free time, she loves reading in Forest Park and spending time with her cat Hilo.