Events / Academic Career Panel

Academic Career Panel

October 15, 2018
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Holden Auditorium, FLTC
Hosted by Future Educators
Academic Career Panel:
What does it really mean to be a professor?
Monday, October 15th, 5:30pm, Holden Auditorium
Interested in staying in academia? Not sure what challenges come with different phases of the academic track? Join us, Monday, October 15th, 5:30pm in Holden Auditorium (FLTC) to hear a panel of Wash. U. faculty talk about their paths through academia, their likes and dislikes of being a professor, and how their career and responsibilities have changed as they progress through the ranks of professorship! Q&A to follow, so feel free to bring questions. Dinner will be provided!
*Seblay Kutluay – Assistant Professor, Molecular Microbiology
*Jeff Henderson – Associate Professor, Internal Medicine
*Susan Dutcher – Professor, Genetics